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At K Lens UK, we're always busy! Find out what we've been up to here!
Keith Large wins Best Comedy Producer Award at Folkestone Independent Film Awards - 20.07.24
Rita,Reece and Keith on stage on Saturday 20th July 2024 at The Quarterhouse in Folkestone, UK, being presented with the Best Comedy Producer Award at Folkestone Independent Film Awards. Our trio of comedies 'Tuna and Ted', 'Wheel Gone Kid Three and a Half-Plane Stupid' and 'Twin Leaps' all screened at the festival in 2024. Keith dedicated the award to every team member ever to work on a K Lens UK/Spoon Jar Films collaboration and acknowledged making films is all about teamwork. With some very famous names also winning awards at this festival, Best Comedy Producer was a big trophy to win.
Keith Large on BBC Radio Leicester with Kelly Hinch - 19.03.24
K Lens UK producer and writer Keith Large discusses new film 'Silent Treatment' and how it is supporting Loughborough charity 'Living Without Abuse' with Kelly Hinch on BBC Radio Leicester.
BBC Midlands Today 22.02.24
BBC Midlands Today go behind the scenes of 'The Silent Treatment' to discuss the films important message and aim to shine a light on coercive control and domestic violence.
Rita Jagpal on BBC Radio Five with Nick Bright - 03.12.23
Rita Jagpal-Mohan caught up with Nick Bright on BBC Radio Five to discuss starring in new K Lens UK Film 'The Silent Treatment' which is currently in production.
The Funny Film Awards - Oct 2023
Rita and Reece BBC Midlands Today Hollywood Tuesday - 28.11.23
From Hairdresser to Hollywood, Rita Jagpal-Mohan and her super talented son Reece tell BBC Midlands Today presenter Mary Rose how the success of their short film series Wheel Gone Kid has taken them from Rita's Birmingham hairdressing salon to a trip of a lifetime in Hollywood.
The Funny Film Awards - Oct 2023
Twin Leaps Producer Keith Large speaks to a packed audience at The Funny Life Film Festival in London and explains how his weight loss journey inspired the award winning fitness feud comedy involving the hilarious Trim Twins.
The South Coast Film Festival - Aug 2023
From Hastings to Hollywood. The Wheel Gone Kid team talk about the film’s incredible journey and how after winning two awards at The South Coast Film Festival in Hastings, their latest film ‘Wheel Gone Kid Three and a Half-Plane Stupid’ has been selected to be screened in Hollywood.
New York Film Awards and Best Actor & Director Awards - 18/05/22
Gabriel Lockwood celebrates his two Acting Award wins in New York for:
NEW YORK FILM AWARDS-Best Actor in an Indie Film.

BBC Radio Derby - 22/04/22

Ian Sky interviews K Lens Producer Keith Large
00:00 / 33:15
K Lens Producer Keith Large was invited to discuss current projects on BBC Radio Derby with Ian Skye.

Eastern Eye - 27/05/21

BBC News

Keith & Rita BBC Radio Leicester Wheel G
00:00 / 06:05
BBC Radio Leicester - 23/03/20

K Lens Producer Keith Large on BBC Radio Leicester with Ben Jackson discussing the success of recent film 'Guilty Bunch of Flowers' and the road to Hollywood, from Leicester to LA !
Keith Radio Leics March2020Artist Name
00:00 / 08:56
The Loughborough Echo - 12/02/20

Loughborough College News - 31/01/2020

K Lens Producer Keith Large and Cinematographer Matt Holt discuss the success of their recent film 'Guilty Bunch of Flowers' on BBC Radio Leicester.
BBC Radio Leicester GBF Keith Matt.mp3Artist Name
00:00 / 09:16

November 2019
Loughborough College News - 01/07/2019

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