Film Making with Midlands Magic.
Welcome to the home of KLENS UK, where you can learn about our work and vision. From day one, our Film Production Company has produced top quality projects with our most recent films receiving international critical acclaim from Film Festivals across the globe.
Who We Are & What We Do
"Keith Large, the producer, is doing remarkable work in creating context and bringing British humour to the forefront in the indie scene." - RODARTIN Cinema View

Keith Large is a multi-award winning writer and producer. He was born in Nottingham, England and established his writing career in the neighbouring county of Leicestershire. After attending 'The Writing School' in Leicester and winning several national poetry and short story competitions, his tutor Bead Roberts encouraged him through her belief in his natural ability of scripting dialogue to write plays. Keith has written a plethora of short plays including the critically acclaimed comedy 'The Carrot Nappers'. In film Keith has written and produced the multiple award winning short films 'Emotional Distress' and 'A Date with Shillelagh', for which he has recieved several awards for Best Producer, including, CKF International Film Festival, Royal Wolf Film Awards and Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival, Keith is incredibly passionate about film, theatre and writing but above all in creating opportunities, supporting emerging talent and making magic in the Midlands!
KLENS UK are a mult-award winning Film Production Company based in the Midlands. Our ethos is to create innovative, exciting work with integrity and passion. Our projects support local emerging talent in addition to established talent.
Our recent short films, thriller, ' A Date with Shillelagh' and comedies 'Emotional Distress' and 'Guilty Bunch of Flowers' have received global critical acclaim and 2019 has many projects in the pipeline!
'Carrot Nappers Theare Company' (CNTC) is the sister company to KLENS UK. CNTC focuses on supporting emerging writers and celebrating and showcasing new writing and acting talent.
We are very excited to have completed many exciting Radio projects in 2018 at Soundhouse Studios and are looking forward to showcasing more incredible Radio plays in 2019. .
Take a sneak peak...

KLens UK
KLens UK

Neil Warnock stars in new Wheel Gone Kid film

Neil Warnock, Rita and Reece Happy Diwali Message

Rita, Reece and Keith Winners Speech for Wheel Gone Kid 2 in Barcelona

Directors: Brian Johnston, Jeff Stewart
Writer: Keith Large
Stars: Eleanor Burke, Lauren Cornelius, Stuart Horobin, Peter McManus & Rachel Nottingham

The film focuses on the mysogynistic behavior within the entertainment industry. Highlighted in high profile allegations against media mogul Harvey Weinstein. This film production supports The Me Too Movement. Used as a hashtag on social media, Me Too spread virally in October 2017 in an attempt to demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assaults and harassment, especially in the workplace. It followed soon after the sexual misconduct allegations against Harvey Weinstein. Starring Eleanor Burke (Jo) who appeared in the Oscar nominated film 'Kon Tiki' and Lauren Cornelius (Karen) a regular with BBC Radio 4 drama, the story follows Jo's dreams of fame. Failing to heed Karen's warnings about slime-ball music promoter Billy Tomkins (played by Peter McManus), Jo chances the dance with danger, to pursue her Rolls Royce road to stardom.
'A Date with Shillelagh' - Full Short Film
'A Date with Shillelagh' - Production stills by Emma Bailey #

Director: Matt Holt & Wayne Kelly
Writer: Keith Large
Stars: Eleanor Burke, Peter McManus

Ex-cab Ron 'the Con' Lockwood claims he's been sacked for sitting down. Engaging No Win No Fee solicitor Jessica Hayne to stand up for him brings fatal consequences.
Director: Wayne Kelly
Writer: Keith Large & Maria Smith
Stars: Olu Adaeze, Eleanor Burke, Kenny Davies, Joe Hughes, Ingrid Evans & Rachel Nottingham

When lovers, husband, sister, wife and mother all share their guilt through the same bunch of flowers, anarchic chaos ensues.
Photography: Richard Richards Photography

A groundbreaking documentary following the story of how Triple Guinness World Record boxing champion Steve Ward become the oldest professional boxer in the world. A combination of determination and strength, from a man who emulates the saying 'Quitters never win and winners never quit'. Through the eyes of the iconic roadside cafe dedicated to Steve and interviews with family, friends and faces from the boxing world. An unmissable journey of hope.The miraculous man, who became 'The Champ of Champs'.